Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I am so not enjoying this week

It snowed last night into this morning. The prediction was for a MASSIVE snowfall and we got a snowfall that could be considered normal for Milwaukee. The problem was that it was the first significant snowfall of the season so the people driving to work lost their minds. 'Oh dear!' they seemed to think 'the pavement is wet! Whatever will we do?' The larger roads weren't slippery and had not accumulation on them. You could drive on them just fine unless, apparently, you're an idiot.

I don't even have to drive all that far to get to work and I was a few minutes late. I hate being late to work. Technically it doesn't make a big different when I arrive and depart; if I put in my time and get my work done it isn't a big deal when I start and stop. If I say I'm going start work at 8, I want to be there by 8. It's just my nature. I've been late before, but never often, and it starts my day off poorly.

Half the staff called in due to the snow. Classes were cancelled. Why didn't I just stay home? I'm in I.T., I don't teach. I still had work to do. Some of my interns didn't show but at least they called in. No annoyed conversations needed. The day ended up being this mix of nothing to do and incredibly busy. I had to answer phones for awhile. I haven't done that in ages.

Unfortunately, the cafeteria staff were given the day off so, when my lunch was stolen, I had only the vending machines as an alternative. Peanut crackers and hot chocolate will only satisfy for so long. I left for the day irritated and only became more so as I drove home through traffic that was still stupid. While I was at work, the plowmen decided to dump these massive boulders of half frozen slush at the entrance of my drive. I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder getting them removed.

Just wonderful.

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