Friday, August 6, 2010


After departing Natalie's company, I collected myself a beer and went to join Scott and Sarah Jean at the grill. I was rebuffed. “Go and mingle,” Scott declared.

“I would like to have an opportunity to defend myself,” I responded.

Scott gestured mightily. “Go!” I complied. Scott is a big fella. Sarah Jean giggled at me as I walked away. Whatever.

The backyard had pockets of conversation. The seating had been arranged in an attempt to keep everyone together but the group was too big for that to work. The group had splintered into a half-dozen or so smaller groups chit-chatting away. When I saw the man in the lawn-chair sheltering in the shade of a large tree, I approached him. Grinning, I noted “I thought you were allergic to the sun.”

Mike looked up from the plate balanced in his lap, squinting at me. “There's a reason I'm under the tree ya know.”

Our conversation started with this good natured silliness. We quickly ran through a few standard comments, the 'been awhile', the 'good to see you', the 'answer your email occasionally' sorts of things. Once these were complete, Mike observed “I see you're still with the redhead. Excellent choice my friend. Admittedly she's at a distance right now but she looks hotter than I remember.”

“I don't know how you remember her but she is hotter than that.”

“And yet she hangs out with a slug like you,” he teased.

“Yeah, I don't get it either,” I joked in response. “How goes the writing?”

He gave me a Look. “We start filming next week. Dude, read your email.”

“Really?” He nodded. “I'm sorry, I dunno how I missed that. Been busy.”

“I'm sure you have been,” he responded. “I would be. If you gotta skip some of my notes in order to be busy with her then I understand totally. I'll write more for you to skip! I'm not like that!”

I found his rant entertaining until Sarah Jean began bounding our way. At that point, it suddenly became less entertaining. For some reason, I was afraid she'd hear him, which was silly. If she wanted to, she could pick it out of my mind. In theory she could pick it out of Mike's mind but I don't think she'd go there again unless she absolutely had to do so. Her energetic pace combined with her sassy expression combined with her low cut shirt was too much for Mike to keep silent. “I mean, come on!”

Apart from turning her smug smile to Mike for a moment, she ignored him, keeping her focus on me. She stared at me long enough to make the situation a bit uncomfortable. Before I could prompt her, she stated “I know about Kitty Frou-Frou.” Her grin that much more smug, she bounded back to the chortling Scott.

“No no no!: I protested. “Not cool!” Mike died laughing. “Jerk.”

I suppose now you want to know the story too. Jerks.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Glad to Be Here

“Oh good, you made it.” Idly rubbing at my pinch, I turned to see it was Scott's wife Natalie talking to me. I greeted her warmly and there was the exchange of a hug. “How are you?”

“I'm well. Yourself?”

“Tired. There's always so much to do to get ready for these parties.”

“In that case, let me now express my gratitude for all your efforts before I forget.”

She smiled. “Thank you.” She paused, watching her husband animatedly telling Sarah Jean a story. Sarah Jean was laughing, not one of those polite laughs but an 'oh my goodness, really?' sort of laugh. Whatever the story, I'm sure it's about me. “I'm glad he's enjoying himself. He's working very hard at work right now. The company says it's having trouble and...” She paused, then dispelled this downward trend in the conversation with a smile. “He deserves a good day. I'm glad you could make it.”

I smiled back. “So am I.”

Sunday, August 1, 2010


By the time we reached Scott's house, she had mostly relaxed. At the very least she was smiling at me again and gave my arm a bit of a squeeze as we approached the house. I know she knows I meant well.

We had to park a couple houses down the street  due to the cars already present. As we walked up, the wind shifted, delivering the wonderful smell of burning charcoal and grilling meats. It was wonderful enough to draw a contented sigh from me. At the very least, we should eat well.

There was still a hint of nerves within me. What would my friends think of Sarah Jean? What would she think of them? More importantly, what would they tell her about me?

We weaved through the vehicles in the driveway, heading for the backyard as I'd been directed during Scott's call. The garage door was open, displaying tables of food as well as coolers that were overflowing with ice and beverages. Alongside the garage was a large grill and Scott working at it.

Upon seeing us, he grew very animated. Loudly calling out my name, he ran to meet us. I was wrapped up in a bear hug that took me off my feet. For a moment I was unable to breathe. Thankfully he didn't keep me long and I was soon back on the ground. While gasping for oxygen, I managed to introduce Sarah Jean. “Man o man,” Scott expressed. “Patrick may not date much but he sure does pick pretty gals when he does.”

I winced. It was starting already. Scott's seen me with, what, all of two young ladies and he says that. Considering how I'd managed to irritate Sarah Jean, I expected trouble. She smiled brightly up at him. “That you Scott. That's nice of you to say.”

He waved this off and made a dismissal noise. “Get some food and something to drink and I'll tell you about this guy.”

I sighed audibly, mostly for effect. “And I regret showing up already.”

Scott chuckled. Sarah Jean gave me that trouble grin and mentally noted “He's in a good mood, happy to see us, and has just enough beer in him to elevate his mood. He'll tell me whatever I want to know.”

“And if they're serving wine, you'll tell him whatever he wants to know.” I meant it to be funny, but I think it came across as more bitter than I expected. Still smiling, she stepped over to me, and kissed me on the cheek as she punched me on the arm. After I yelped, she mumbled “Behave” and, still grinning, joined Scott at the grill.

Ouch. Such a violent young lady.