Sunday, August 1, 2010


By the time we reached Scott's house, she had mostly relaxed. At the very least she was smiling at me again and gave my arm a bit of a squeeze as we approached the house. I know she knows I meant well.

We had to park a couple houses down the street  due to the cars already present. As we walked up, the wind shifted, delivering the wonderful smell of burning charcoal and grilling meats. It was wonderful enough to draw a contented sigh from me. At the very least, we should eat well.

There was still a hint of nerves within me. What would my friends think of Sarah Jean? What would she think of them? More importantly, what would they tell her about me?

We weaved through the vehicles in the driveway, heading for the backyard as I'd been directed during Scott's call. The garage door was open, displaying tables of food as well as coolers that were overflowing with ice and beverages. Alongside the garage was a large grill and Scott working at it.

Upon seeing us, he grew very animated. Loudly calling out my name, he ran to meet us. I was wrapped up in a bear hug that took me off my feet. For a moment I was unable to breathe. Thankfully he didn't keep me long and I was soon back on the ground. While gasping for oxygen, I managed to introduce Sarah Jean. “Man o man,” Scott expressed. “Patrick may not date much but he sure does pick pretty gals when he does.”

I winced. It was starting already. Scott's seen me with, what, all of two young ladies and he says that. Considering how I'd managed to irritate Sarah Jean, I expected trouble. She smiled brightly up at him. “That you Scott. That's nice of you to say.”

He waved this off and made a dismissal noise. “Get some food and something to drink and I'll tell you about this guy.”

I sighed audibly, mostly for effect. “And I regret showing up already.”

Scott chuckled. Sarah Jean gave me that trouble grin and mentally noted “He's in a good mood, happy to see us, and has just enough beer in him to elevate his mood. He'll tell me whatever I want to know.”

“And if they're serving wine, you'll tell him whatever he wants to know.” I meant it to be funny, but I think it came across as more bitter than I expected. Still smiling, she stepped over to me, and kissed me on the cheek as she punched me on the arm. After I yelped, she mumbled “Behave” and, still grinning, joined Scott at the grill.

Ouch. Such a violent young lady.

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