Friday, December 4, 2009

What the Heck?

I did some things differently today. My lunch still disappeared.

I placed my meal in the freezer door in order to make it easier to observe when it disappeared, assuming it would. This meant it was clearly in a different location that before, so it couldn't be an accident of science. Professor Zaffman was told to stop his teleportation experiments after the last time he had problems with setting the coordinates and the lawsuits that followed. It wouldn't have shocked me if he'd started again and, somehow, been removing my lunch on accident. That doesn't seem to be it.

I brought in a different type meal today, a 'Captain USA Lite Delight' meal. Chicken Curry flavor. What? They're good and let me pretend I'm eating somewhat healthy on occasion. And a dollar from every sale goes to charity, so, you know, stop with the laughing. I was hoping to prove that it wasn't that someone seeing my meal and being unable to resist it's flavory goodness. Not sure I proved that.

The thing that really annoys me is that it just seems to disappear.

At 11:55, my intern Bob opens the freezer and the meal is clearly there in the door. It's still there as he shuts the freezer. Five minutes later Professor Hillings opens the freezer and it's gone. What the heck?

During the five minutes, there is a moment in the video where it blurs slightly. I though it was just a glitch in the feed but I'm starting to wonder if it's not. If someone was observing this in a movie, they'd enhance and enlarge the freeze frame and it would magically be a picture of someone. I don't have technology that wonderful. I've met people that probably do have that kind of technology but I doubt they'd want me to call them on a Friday afternoon to analyze video of my lunch being taken. Also, I don't have their number. Bother.

Yes, I'm watching this at work. It's a slow Friday afternoon, I'm caught up on my work, and I'm counting this as field testing new technology. So quiet you.

What the heck?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gone Again

Another day, another stolen lunch. I just don't get it. Still no clues.

Of course, there may well be clues there that I may not be able to detect. I may read a lot but I am aware that I'm not the most observant man in the world. If you don't believe me, just ask my ex-fiance.

Except you can't. I think I just offended myself with my own joke. That's not good.

Anyway, back to my lunch issue. I'm gonna set up a couple web cams and see if I can see what's going on. Invasion of privacy? Maybe but what about the invasion of my lunch?

None of that sounded very good. Maybe I should have written this after I ate.

So hungry.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I believe I work in a normal office environment, normal enough anyway. I've never worked anywhere else so I don't really have anything to which to compare my experience. We have offices and cubicles, we have office gossip and politics, we have over-achievers and under-achievers. Normal enough, right?

I have every reason to believe that one of my co-workers is stealing my lunch.

The last few days my lunch has been disappearing. Once is no big deal. Things happen, someone confuses your frozen meal for something they brought in, and, boom!, no lunch for you. I don't mind going to the cafeteria from time to time or making a meal from crackers and chips in the vending machine.

At twice, you get annoyed. Who's not paying attention? I can pay attention. I know what I brought this morning, so how do you not know? But okay. Lesson learned. Next time I'll initial it or something.

At three times, now you start to wonder if someone's doing it deliberately. I mean, I had my initials on the box, and not in small letters on a corner or anything, but normal sized letters on the top. Really? Really?!?

At least today was pizza day. Good deal pizza day.

Now, I know it's possible that it's not someone stealing my lunch. It might be someTHING stealing my lunch. Maybe it's the Little People, seeking revenge for some perceived slight. Maybe it's the side effect of some experiment going on in the science labs, an accident. Or maybe...

I dunno. It is annoying me. Now, I think I know what you're thinking. You're thinking 'Why keep bringing your lunch for it only to be stolen?' That is a good question. I want evidence. Now it's a mystery to be solved.

A small mystery perhaps but a mystery all the same.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Warming Up

There's something special about 'truth'.

We all look for it in one way or another. We want the world to be truthful to us, at least occasionally, perhaps not when we wonder if these pants make us look fat or when we slip on a patch of ice early on a winter's day and wonder if anyone saw us fall. Those times are more suited to illusion and being blissfully wrapped within them.

Otherwise we want truth, occasionally demand it. When a newspaper article is riddled with errors, we become upset. When a 'reality' show on television is revealed to be scripted in some way, we become offended. If a politician misspeaks, we are quick to correct.

Yet, we are lied to constantly, every day, by these entities and others. On a daily basis, we accept these lies. Why? I think because we're too tired to fight constantly.

Sometimes we're lied to for 'our own good'. I can accept that. An undercover police officer is 'lying' but in order to right a wrong. If the Na'Dar hadn't landed so prominently that day in 1954, don't you think the government wouldn't have tried to cover it up? To lie to us about the visit of aliens? How different would our planet be if we didn't know about some of the other beings that surround us? I don't know. Maybe we would have flying cars by now.

I don't think I'm here to right some wrong or to crusade for truth or anything big like that. I just want you to know that I want to be truthful as I speak to you, whomever you might be, via this conduit. I may or may not change your mind about anything. That's okay. There's nothing to say that you need to believe anything I say is truth. As long as it is my truth, the truth as far as I know it, I'll be happy.

That was an oddly pretentious beginning. I don't think it'll always be like this, so trying to be deep, but it might be. We shall see.