Friday, March 7, 2014

But Not Often

One of the main problems of the missing whiskey, despite the simple fact that its missing, is that it is distracting me from my larger goal of locating one of the little people. Of the two goals, clearly that one is more important to my overall well being and would likely reduce my concerns over the whiskey should it prove successful.

However, there is a weird trigger in my brain that does not allow me to focus my priorities properly. Certainly there can be some level of laziness or procrastination involved but sometimes it's a simple matter of giving myself too much to do. I can write out a 'to do' list, rank the items by priority or when they are due, and my brain will find a way to get me enthused about completing something that's not necessary at the moment. I'm still being productive, but not in the most efficient manner possible. Occasionally I get smart and can trick this part of my brain into doing what is critical, but its not easy.

The whiskey disappearing is a simple thing really, something I should be able to resolve reasonably quickly. That I haven't already done so is frustrating. That frustration may be the primary reason this task has become my focus. Or perhaps I know the capture of a wee folk is going to be complicated so I'm trying to work out how to accomplish that in my subconscious while I primarily think through this problem.

Occasionally I am smarter than I think.

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