Saturday, May 22, 2010

Reason for Hope

Mr. Thorndyke was less concerned about Set's approach than he was the rubble of the damaged display case. One of the containers within that display had cracked open upon impact, spilling gems about. “My word. The solution was here all along.” Set was nearly upon us. “Ms. Chapman, do you trust me?”

“How do you mean?” she asked.

“There's no time for all this fooferal.” Mr. Thorndyke collected a gem from the rubble of the case and placed it into her hand. A yellow glow began to form around her hand. It least, I thought it was yellow. It felt yellow. In the green haze, making out a different color was difficult.

Set paused, actively concerned for the first time. “What did you just do?”

Mr. Thorndyke triumphantly stood up to his full height. “Stopped you, that's what!”

When Ms. Chapman opened her eyes, she looked different. No physically, not like her clothing or face changed, but her expression changed. It was kindly but stern. “After all this time I am called and for what purpose? In order to deal with you Set. Why am I not surprised?” Her voice was strange, not really different, but it had a different quality to it. A chime maybe? It was hard to pinpoint this new sound.

Set's face grew harsh in expression. “Isis. You were never enough to defeat me and time had done nothing to alter that truth. Flee while you still can or my revenge shall begin with you!”

“My dear brother. You may be many things but clever is not chief amongst those things,” Ms. Chapman, or perhaps Isis, noted. “Forgetful may well be accurate.”

With that, the grinning Mr. Thorndyke raised the picture of the Eye again, causing Set to recoil in pain. Isis closed her eyes and quickly began muttering words that meant nothing to me. Suddenly she flung her eyes open and her hands in the air.

That's when things became strange.

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