Thursday, March 11, 2010

Voluntering at a Fundraiser Could Work

Once a year, the Museum holds a fund raiser within the exhibit halls where food and beer is served, mostly beer. Bands play music. It's one big party.

Breweries come from all over for this event. While most are microbrews from our state, I've seen some from as far away as California and beers imported from Canada, Belgium, and England. Each brewery brings a variety of beverages from which to sample. There is no way to try them all in the three hours that the event is open. In earlier years, I've managed to visit every stand, or at least nearly every stand, but as the event has grown, that's not even possible any more. There are good beers and great beers to try.

This is why I'm concerned about working the event. I really enjoy the Museum. I really enjoy beer. I really enjoy being in the Museum with beer, as crowded as it can get. It's the sort of awesome that should happen more than once a year. Since it is only once a year, I don't want to miss it by working it.

Perhaps there is an after party where the volunteers polish off any remaining beer. Since I've walked around near closing time and have seen breweries run out of beer, this may not happen. Not knowing what I'm volunteering for doesn't help me either. Will I be working the door or the raffle, nowhere near the exhibits or the beer? Will I be transporting items?

I suppose Cuthbold has a point. I should focus on the fact that I'll be helping an institution I love, as well as the school that pays my bills. It shouldn't make a difference what I do as long as I'm helping.

It would be neat to be by the dinosaurs though.

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