Saturday, March 6, 2010


One of the nice things about life is that it doesn't seem to happen all at once. I mean, generally speaking, if you are madly busy, you know in the back of your mind that things will slow down. If things are slow, someday they'll pick up. Not feeling well? You'll lick that cold at some point. Things change so that it keeps you involved.

It's not always for the best. People you like seem to go away when you don't want them to go and people you just can't deal with are always there. Sometimes the cold never seems to fade away and you sniffle for months.

I mean, I've had stories to tell here but it's more catching up. The past week or so has been rather relaxing. Busy day at work, get home, eat, rest, sleep, nothing terribly exciting. That's not a bad thing. It's nice to catch your breath a little.

Of course, when things get slow, it just means you know they'll pick up again soon.

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