Friday, February 26, 2010

Onward and Upward

While I have been up in the balcony of RageBreakers before, looking out onto the massive dance floor, it's not often that I've been up in the VIP section off to the side. In fact, I don't think I've ever been up there before when there were other people in there. Occasionally, on slow nights, Chicko and Arturo and I have hung out up there in order to get up to no good but that's not quite the same.

This time when the security on the stairwell, a burly but friendly gentleman by the name of Neal, raised his eyebrow curiously at my approach, Mr. Cantiflas waved him off and I was in!

The VIP balcony is nothing too special really, at least from a physical perspective. The carpet is black and dark red, hiding a myriad of stains in the low lighting. The rows of small round tables are surrounded by chairs that strive to be comfortable and sometimes succeed. Candles flicker on the tables, adding ever so slightly to the murky illumination. The bonus to the VIP area is that the people in it can be on their own a bit, not worried about interruptions from, well, people like me. The service is supposed to be even better up there as well.

This point was made that much clearer as the first person we saw upon reaching the top of the VIP staircase was my friend Jaz. As waitresses go, she's very good. As a pretty lady with long, dark hair and even longer legs, she's even better. She squeaked with excitement upon seeing me, rushing over to give me a big hug. “It's good to see you again! How have you been? What are you doing up here? The usual?” She rushed off.

Mr. Cantiflas was grinning. “Friend of yours?”

“Yes. Not in that way,” I added hurriedly. “She's very married.”

Jaz returned with a beer for me, politely kissed me on the cheek, and hurried back off. Mr. Cantiflas continued to grin. “I've been here many times and have yet to receive such service. I can already tell that bringing you along was a good choice.”

“It would have been better if she would have brought you a drink as well.”

He laughed. “Never mind that for now. Let's join the party.”

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